issue 24 Sunday, June 22 2008



Have you ever wondered why some people are able to accomplish so much with their lives? What makes them so productive? These days people are very conscious of productivity at all levels. Once a month the government releases a report on the gross national product. It tells us how productive the business and industrials have been. It is an important picture of the national economic health.

Suppose each of us were issued an “individual productivity report” each month. How would ours look? Would it show positive or negative results? Positive or negative? And what do you want to do so that at the end of your life you will be able to say, “I led a productive life. I accomplished what I set out to accomplish?” Have you ever defined what you consider to be a productive life? And more important, do you know God’s definition of a productive, fruitful life? And what does it mean to be a fruitful Christian?

The word “fruit” is used 66 times in New Testament. in John 15:8, Jesus says, “This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples”. The proof that you are a disciple is that you bear fruit. He wants us to be fruitful (productive). Let’s take a look at 3 conditions for fruitfulness that are described in the Bible.

  1. Cultivate Roots - If we want to be fruitful, we must cultivate some roots. Without roots there will be no fruits! Roots are the lifeline of nourishment for the entire plant or tree. Consider a banana tree. It is almost indestructible. You can chop it into pieces, but it will grow back. You can burn it down, but it will grow back. There’s only one way to get rid of a banana tree, that is by uprooting it. The roots are the key to the fruit. In our life, how do we cultivate our root? Psalms 1:2-3 talks about cultivating our root, that is by meditating and studying the word of God. This is how we develop strong spiritual roots that will enable us to produce good fruits.
  2. Eliminate weeds - Weeds can cause fruits never ripens. What are the weed in your life? Weeds are the concerns and interests that sap our time, energy, and money and prevent you from bearing spiritual fruits. Jesus in Luke 8 mentioned 3 kinds of weeds: Weeds of worry, weeds or riches, and weeds of pleasure. These weeds can choke out our spiritual growth and make our priorities of life out of balance. So it’s important for us to eliminate weeds.
  3. Cooperate with God - If you are going to be fruitful Christian, you must cooperate with God’s pruning in your life. Pruning involves cutting off the dead branches and cutting back the living branches both to shape tree to stimulate growth. Most of us think that when God prunes, he cuts off the sinful and the superficial, the deadwood in our lives. He does do that, but also he cuts off stuff that is alive and successful: a good business, satisfying relationship, or even good health. Some of that may get whacked off for greater fruitfulness. He also cuts good things too, in order to make us healthier. It is not always pleasant, but pruning is absolutely essential for spiritual growth.

Friends, God knows what He is doing, and He wants what is best for us. When you follow His process, the harvest and fruits are inevitable.


Ps. Himawan Djuhana - from Los Angeles City Blessing. He will minister to our church on June 28th & 29th. June 28th: Marketplace Equipping Session: Stewarding the Wealth Transfer. Areas will be covered: - How to be successful steward of God's financial resources- Real Estate & Stocks. This equipping session will give you practical ideas and tips how to put to work the financial resources God has entrusted to you. This session will train and help you to be Kingdom Wealth builders. Don't miss this session! Meeting location: Listiawan’s Residence Time: 4 pm - 5:30 pm. June 29th: Sunday Church Service


CCBC Summer Picnic July 5th (Saturday 10:30 am - 4 pm) Picnic will be held at Meineke Park located at 235 E. Beech Street, Schaumburg, IL


Church Covenant Membership will be moved to first Sunday of July (July 6th). If you feel God puts you in this local body as your spiritual home, you are invited to participate in our covenant membership. Please contact brother Wayan if you want to participate in this so we can make arrangement for short covenant membership session.


Care Cell Leadership Gathering will be held June 25th at 447 Arboretum Drive, Lombard (Ps. Rony's residence) at 7 pm


Every Saturday morning 9.30 am@ Peter Kurniali’s Residence (We would love to have you all join us) And Please feel free to contact us with any prayer requests or if anyone need personal/congregational prayer support, We are Here to Help!


All church members are strongly encouraged to join Care Group Meeting. Care Group is not only a place for fellowship but also for spiritual nourishments and discipleship processes where everybody can learn to minister to others and be part of great commission.


  • South Area - Wijaya/Angie Elham 312-731-4621
  • Downtown - Felix/Delia 708-351-0594
  • Family Fellowship - Kasih/Tan Fie Listiawan 630-566-8602
  • Libertyville, IL - Akiong/Merry Gunawan 847-414-4068
  • Schaumburg, IL - Peter/Sunny Setiawan 312-863-9407

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